You don't have to do it alone

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Today, I hosted my first Human Leadership Collective monthly call.

The human leadership collective is a community of people who care about and wish to contribute toward more human leadership and communication.

My personal purpose

This collective was born from a personal need. It serves my own purpose, but I have realised since I started talking about it that it also serves many other people’s needs too. When I first put my purpose together I wasn't really sure where it would take me, my purpose is to ‘help humans to be better to other humans’

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What I mean by this extends to more than just 1-1 relationships. When humans are better to each other, we can also extend that impact to have a more positive impact on society and the planet as well. And that starts with a human connection.

When we connect with someone as a fellow human, we have compassion and we treat them with respect, we treat them as we would treat someone close to us, we can also look at our impact on society, we treat all walks of life as we would want to treat our ‘own people’ and we treat our planet as we would want our own homes and spaces.

To lead Humanly by definition is “To lead from a human viewpoint and in a human manner”

To do this we need to understand what being human really means.

But we know already, there is research from neuroscience from social science and social psychology, anthropology and many other fields that have shown us what human nature is like. What motivates us, what we fear, how we react, what we desire and what we need from each other.

However in organisations, communities and institutions, we design environments that create stress to the point of mental ill health, reward performance towards KPI’s and growth at any cost, we create changes that create discomfort and fear.

What if we could lead and communicate in a way that goes with human nature and not against it.

Not alone

I was realising the potential of this purpose, but at the same time, I realised that I couldn't nor would I want to be doing this alone. I know that we humans can do more when we work together, no leader, no organisation, no coach or consultant will crack this global human issue alone, but maybe a small collective of people who are like minded can make some steps towards learning together and sharing together…and that is why I built this collective.

Today I hosted the first meeting for this diverse and inspiring group of people, we came together maybe out of curiosity, desire for inspiration or community but certainly for a common purpose that touches on our own purpose.

Thank you to all those special humans who joined and to all those who couldn't make it but have joined the collective, I hope to see you next time.

Here are a few of my highlights:

  • Optimising people’s performance, potential and success is not about the obvious metrics. What if we were rewarded on the trust and collaboration in an organisation?

  • The cultures and environments at work have a bigger influence on leadership than organisations expect and are tackling.

  • The future challenges for leadership require a step away from analytical, linear thinking and towards a compassionate, systemic and conceptual leadership mindset.

  • We already have a mini-group for those who are conducting primary research.

I am so positive and excited about the connections and progress that can be achieved with this collective!

As one collective member said:

“What is nice is that we all have different backgrounds and we all have the same kind of purpose…together we can make bigger steps. Its something I can’t do on my own.”

Wanna join the collective… come along


Sustainability and Compassionate Human Leadership


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