Take time to think (and feel)

I am a coach, I have been reflecting on the value of coaching for my clients, and I keep coming back to the value of having a space to think… here are my thoughts on the value of that space to think.

Take time, make a choice.

When we have time to think, we can learn more about ourselves, the situation, and others.

We can hear the voices that influence us to act or not to act. We can set a new intention and ask for something different, something bolder, something that aligns with your own inner truth.

We might be living the life or career we ‘ended up’ in, but we can also be more focused on the life we design, on purpose. When we can think clearly, we can be more intentional about how we are living.

Who are you?

You are just a drop in the ocean but wow what a difference you can make!!

All the difference in the world!

Own your energy, be intentional and be you!

It can be difficult to put this into words, and into practice, we may need to unlearn our smallness.

When this is hard to do alone, reach out for a coach or a mentor to support you.

Someone in your corner, no matter what!

“When you start to walk on the way, the way appears” Rumi

Sometimes the hardest thing is getting on that path.

Sometimes the risk appears just too great. The route looks rocky and treacherous.

But we can only tackle each hurdle once we step onto the path.

Only on the path can we see the way ahead.

Only on the path can we learn what we can endure or even enjoy.

On new paths we experience new things, learn how we feel about our experiences.

It is not the feeling that’s the problem it’s the thoughts that you have about the feeling that cause us problems.

We deal with feelings in different ways. Whether you suppress, express or escape your emotions, they still have power over us until we let it go.

Letting go of the feeling starts when we let go of our thoughts about our feelings.

We can often judge our feelings in an unkind way.

Self-care is not selfish

Be patient, be kind and do all this for yourself with the kindness and grace that you deserve.

Too often, we reserve our kindest words and patience for others around us, while we are impatient, and demanding of ourselves.

Start with kindness to yourself.

Regrets are a waste of time and energy!

It can be tempting to look back and have regrets. Up pops that negative voice, “how could you be so stupid” “you should have known”.

The past versions of ourselves and other people do not exist. They are long gone and importantly all the thinking in the world can not change the past.

The only you that exists in the one right here and now.

So, start thinking about the future. Ask 'what if' questions like:

  • What would you do if you could not fail?

  • What have you been putting off that you really want to do?

  • What would you do if you have an extra hour in the day, every day?


Will you choose coaching?

Can I be your coach?

If my musings resonate with you, I would love to connect and offer you your time to think with me or one of my wonderful associates.


Learn more about coaching with Humanly here.


Navigating Change: A Guide to Human Connection and Effective Communication Through Change