Attitude for gratitude
Gratitude is taking a moment to reflect on how good things are. Not only when something good happens, whether it's small or big, but even on the most ordinary days.
Notice what you notice. Pay attention to your attention. Think about your thinking. And learn about the three types of Gratitude.
Embedding Purpose - How to keep it going
Embedding a Purpose is about keeping that ball in play. After working so hard to create a clear focus for business performance you need to keep reinforcing the existence and integration of the new ‘business as usual’.
Depth and integrity create a personal connect
You can repeat your purpose statement until you are blue in the face. But it needs depth and integrity to become something people can connect with on a personal level.
Why conversations are better than meetings
Purpose lives or dies by the watercooler not in the boardroom, this is where the day-to-day reality of work plays out; all the way to the front-line. This is where people have quality conversations, not meetings.
Make your purpose mean something
It is amazing how many purpose or vision statements sound like you need an MBA to understand it, let alone relate to it. The aim is that every person working for your company, understands and relates to the purpose, the why of your company.
Why your ‘Why’ is the strongest message you can communicate
It is essential that when you communicate your organisation’s purpose it is not just a fancy badge to wear for a week, it must integrate it into your business strategy communications, performance communications and weave into the fabric of your culture.
Communicating Purpose
When launching a new company purpose, of course you will go broad and wide with communications; paste it all over the web, the offices and keep weaving it into every communication you do. That should do the trick right?
But please, communication professional, don’t forget one important thing. The success of your communications is not what you did, but whether it made any difference