Embedding Purpose - How to keep it going

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Tip #5 Keep it alive- When you are done talking about it, they are starting to listen.

This post is part of a series about how to communicate corporate purpose - Navigate the series from the first post

Embedding is about keeping that momentum going, so slow it down but make it count.

An experienced communications manager in headquarters was diligently calling around to talk to all the site focal points to understand how the recent corporate purpose was received at site level. She was surprise to hear; “Yep, so we are done, we have embedded the purpose now, what’s next?” It was only launched a few months earlier!

This reminded me of a conversation I had a few years ago with a change manager, he went through a detailed change engagement timeline with extensive PowerPoint slides, followed by a slide that said- Communicate to staff and embed the change! Simple as that.

If it sounds that easy… you can guarantee it isn’t!

How do you embed purpose? What I understand is that when you are working on a project, you are squirreling away for months and building up to launch day. Then it happens and it is a success, you celebrate but mostly you just want to go on holiday and get some balance back into your life. Do that! You deserve it… but get back and start the next phases, keeping up momentum and integrate purpose.

The Embed Phase
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This is about keeping that ball in play.
After working so hard to create a clear focus for business performance you need to keep reinforcing the existence and integration of the new ‘business as usual’.

What are the stories people are sharing?
Collect them give them space and platform to be heard and importantly shared.

Some real teamwork and integration are key in this phase, ask yourself:

  • How can purpose be embedded into the recruitment process, onboarding, leadership development?

  • How can change programmes grow a stronger case by find roots in the purpose?

  • How can external and internal communication work together with one narrative for the organisation that permeates the walls of the organisation and blends easily from one to the next?

And always… Where are the opportunities to not only tell human stories but let they continue to be told? Find ways that suit your business that uncover key moments when employees reflect and put all the pieces together for themselves.
This is also a phase in which you can have a little fun! By this time, you are moving out of teaching people about the purpose, but you can get creative.

Slow down. This is also no longer a sprint to the finish line, so drip feed, taking your time gives employees time to reflect too.

Here is an example from a past project I worked on in Shell, not a purpose but you can see how you can play around with ideas:

A set of principles were launched that would ensure capital projects were delivered well: The 8 Project Principles launched were followed by a leadership supported e-postcard campaign, on the 8th of every month an e-postcard reminded staff of one of the principles, this prompted teams have conversations on a thought provoking question.  

Hope this inspires you and gets your creative juices going!

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If you need help embedding purpose or change in your business, reach out to see how you can work with Humanly.

Check out the whole series on Communicating Purpose

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