Ubuntu - Interconnected Humaneness

Ubuntu has been described as ‘humaneness’ but what does Ubuntu mean? Ubuntu means we are ‘inherently interconnected’. In Nguni languages (a southern African ethnic grouping).

Ubuntu means "I am because we are”.


Ubuntu means that, 'what I am is a result of who we are as humans - I am not much without others'. In other words, what I am and what I do impacts you and many others. In turn, what you do has implications for me and for others too. We must therefore care about what the other does.

When I learned about Ubuntu, I was blown away! These words from Nobantu Mpotulo spoke to me and I wanted to know more and share her practices with others.


The challenge- Leadership is evolving but not fast enough to tackle the issues that we face globally.

When we use a western perspective as a measure of successful relationships at work and in life, this can often be individualistic or miss the importance on taking in the social and cultural contexts. Read more about the challenge

This results in a learned culture where we listen only for our space to talk, we are competitive and focused on individual and short-term goals and we discount the ‘soft skills’ and language.

If we want corporate responsibility, innovation, creativity and freedom to speak, we also need to lead in a way that enables it. We need to align organisations to serve wider society and sustainability goals. We need to tackle challenges of inclusion. We need to create spaces that welcome and foster different ideas and opinions.

Organisations are not the walls of a building, they are humans leading other humans to serve lives and a society. This type of Human leadership is not new,

I believe that the West can learn and be inspired to lead in a more Human way by looking and thinking globally.

When there are shifts in the environment and the context, we can reconnect with that which makes us human, use the strengths we have as humans to overcome adversity and do the right thing for all humanity. This philosophy reminds us how an interconnected mindset and actions can be the solution to global problems. And to me, it starts with how we lead.

Nelson Mandela once said Ubuntu is:  

– the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievement of others”.

Ubuntu is the quality of consistently being humane in our interactions and relationships.

It encapsulates the qualities of being warm and loving when dealing with or relating to fellow humans regardless of their role or station in life.

It is that quality that draws followers towards leaders even with no leadership-position or senior role in an organisation, or class or stature in society.


Leaders connect at a deep level with those they lead, they lead from the heart and get results and inspire people to be the best.

Nobantu helps us to learn about; Ubuntu leadership which she describes as based on seven Cs which are; 

Compassion, Caring, Curiosity, Connectedness, Courage, Core-Creation and Call to Action.

This type of leadership ensure self-management and inspired followers because the people led feel that they are part of the bigger purpose and their success is the success of the whole. There is a spirit of inter-dependence and We-centricism. This is supported by the African Proverb: “If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together” 

Click below to book and sign up the Human leadership collective. 

So lets go together …

There is so much more to learn from the wisdom of Ubuntu and from Nobantu

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A unique connection & offer

Nobantu and I connected. Chaya in The Netherlands, her in South Africa. Connected by a shared purpose to grown more human leadership.

More About Nobantu: Nobantu Mpotulo, who is a globally sought after coach, facilitator of leadership development programmes, Organisational Development Specialist, and a public speaker for more than 18 years.

She has developed Ubuntu Coaching, an approach to coaching that focuses on integrating heart, head, and body (hands).
She is amongst the 6% of coaches globally that are certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) at Master Coach Level (MCC). She is amongst 11 Augural International Ethical Coaches under the auspices of Ethical Coach.

Sign up for to this workshop is an immersive two part experience.
One four hour session on the 23rd September, followed up with a second four hours on the 30th September 2021- All for a total of only 200.00 Euro. Better book your spot now! Interested but can’t make these times?
Good news… These sessions will be recorded, so if you are unable to attend the full sessions we can make a recording available to all ticket holders.

This event is hosted by Chaya Mistry Director and founder of Humanly. Coach, trainer and consultant who helps individuals and teams to lead and communicate more Humanly with others to connect in ways that will help us to solve the business challenges of today and the future. 

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Human UP


Hold up the mirror with a strong arm