Is your self-awareness getting in the way of your actions?
If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.
So why do we suddenly forget this when it comes to our own ways of thinking and behaving.
There is more to self awareness than being focused on ourselves. We have an impact on the people and environment that we come in contact with everyday. We are interconnected, so get connected to the person closest to you… YOU!
Five reasons to hire a coach
Coaching gave me a thinking space, a healthy environment for reflection and positive movement in the direction I designed. This was my first calling to hire a coach. What is yours? Maybe you have thought about hiring a coach, maybe you even are a coach. "Everyone needs a coach. We all need people that give us feedback. That’s how we improve" - Bill Gates. Here are my top 5 reasons for hiring a coach
Authenticity, your inner power
Finding your authenticity and your inner power. Who is that amazing you? That person who speaks clearly, with confidence and in a way connects to the people around you? That person who leads and influences others, who enables positive change and achieves huge goals. It is you!
How to Journal- Part 2 of 2
This is Part 2 of 2 on journaling to help you to get more value from your journaling practice. Part 1 gave you tips on getting started and making journaling a consistent practice. Once you get a basic practice of keeping a journal you can start experimenting with using it as a reflection tool to help you to make decisions, problem-solve, work through and deal with emotions and just get to know yourself better.
How to Journal- Part 1 of 2
I get many questions about journaling from folk who are thinking about it or trying to journal, so I wanted to share some of my thought and ideas about journaling to hopefully inspire you to give it a try or step up the quality of your journaling. This is Part 1 to get your started and improve consistency. Part 2 helps you to get more value from your journaling practice.
Hold up the mirror with a strong arm
I believe that the ability to hold up the mirror to those we support is essential but also one of those skills that requires you to have full confidence in the follow through. You need to hold up that mirror with full confidence and conviction.
What is inside?
Authenticity by definition can not be faked. When a leader is authentic, you can see that there is an alignment between how they present themselves and how they naturally are. This is sometimes hard to get to because the role of a leader over the course of their career can be built up of expectations and judgements about how the 'should' be. What does the real you sound like?
Communicate authentically, like you.
How can you communicate a message authentically when it doesn't feel like your message? If it doesn’t come naturally, it is often because it doesn’t feel like you.