Unconditional Positive Regard
Unconditional Positive Regard is to accept and value a person, to respect and care for a person in a positive light, no matter what. Even when they are flawed, even when they might think, feel and behave in ways that we or others might not like.
Five reasons to hire a coach
Coaching gave me a thinking space, a healthy environment for reflection and positive movement in the direction I designed. This was my first calling to hire a coach. What is yours? Maybe you have thought about hiring a coach, maybe you even are a coach. "Everyone needs a coach. We all need people that give us feedback. That’s how we improve" - Bill Gates. Here are my top 5 reasons for hiring a coach
Authenticity, your inner power
Finding your authenticity and your inner power. Who is that amazing you? That person who speaks clearly, with confidence and in a way connects to the people around you? That person who leads and influences others, who enables positive change and achieves huge goals. It is you!
Trust and Truth
I believe that our relationships are built on the connection between trust, authenticity and truth.
The more truth and authenticity there is, the stronger the trust— But also, the stronger the trust the easier it is to be authentic and truthful.
When protection gets in the way of connection
How the masks we wear at work to protect and shield us from harm, now could be preventing us from making meaningful human connections.
Leadership visibility is not everything
Leadership visibility is incredibly important, however, leading is less about the decisions you make behind closed doors and much more about how you are able to involve, inspire and ignite action from the people who play a role in your business success. Leader isn’t a leader if she has no followers.Human Leadership is about how others feel about themselves when they are with you. Do they feel MORE inspire and energised, MORE capable and confident, MORE a part of something meaningful?
Authenticity - Don’t fake it, Nurture it.
Leaders are being challenged to be more authentic. But what does authenticity mean and how can you find and nurture it?
Hold up the mirror with a strong arm
I believe that the ability to hold up the mirror to those we support is essential but also one of those skills that requires you to have full confidence in the follow through. You need to hold up that mirror with full confidence and conviction.
Cultural Sensitivity and Emotional Intelligence for Organizational Inclusivity
Read an article I co-wrote with a fellow workshop host Kazuko Kotaki published July 13th 2021
Your hidden authentic voice?
Authenticity doesn't mean you need to show everything but it does mean that you show- what is really you.
What is inside?
Authenticity by definition can not be faked. When a leader is authentic, you can see that there is an alignment between how they present themselves and how they naturally are. This is sometimes hard to get to because the role of a leader over the course of their career can be built up of expectations and judgements about how the 'should' be. What does the real you sound like?
Tell your story
Everyone of colour has a story about their colour. I believe that we need to be open to hearing stories of experiences from people of all backgrounds. We should hear them to stop and reflect and find strength and unity in what is right.
Communicate authentically, like you.
How can you communicate a message authentically when it doesn't feel like your message? If it doesn’t come naturally, it is often because it doesn’t feel like you.
Failure; My story
I sometimes introduce myself as a failed psychiatrist, So I wanted to share my story about why I say that. I hope it gives some context and inspiration.
Why conversations are better than meetings
Purpose lives or dies by the watercooler not in the boardroom, this is where the day-to-day reality of work plays out; all the way to the front-line. This is where people have quality conversations, not meetings.
Why are you painting a cabbage?
This is a story about taking risks and following a dream, I with you three things I learned in that class and want to share with you.