How to Journal- Part 2 of 2
This is Part 2 of 2 on journaling to help you to get more value from your journaling practice. Part 1 gave you tips on getting started and making journaling a consistent practice. Once you get a basic practice of keeping a journal you can start experimenting with using it as a reflection tool to help you to make decisions, problem-solve, work through and deal with emotions and just get to know yourself better.
How to Journal- Part 1 of 2
I get many questions about journaling from folk who are thinking about it or trying to journal, so I wanted to share some of my thought and ideas about journaling to hopefully inspire you to give it a try or step up the quality of your journaling. This is Part 1 to get your started and improve consistency. Part 2 helps you to get more value from your journaling practice.
When protection gets in the way of connection
How the masks we wear at work to protect and shield us from harm, now could be preventing us from making meaningful human connections.
Leadership visibility is not everything
Leadership visibility is incredibly important, however, leading is less about the decisions you make behind closed doors and much more about how you are able to involve, inspire and ignite action from the people who play a role in your business success. Leader isn’t a leader if she has no followers.Human Leadership is about how others feel about themselves when they are with you. Do they feel MORE inspire and energised, MORE capable and confident, MORE a part of something meaningful?
Help Employees to Get Engaged
The task of engaging often comes down to the job of the leader or manager. Many times the leader has a long list of duties that include- connecting with and keeping the team engaged. This involves nurturing a relationship and communicating in a clear, concise and empathetic way. A human way.
Humans of Humanly
These three years have offered something new, hard lessons, fulfilling and elating experiences but mostly relationships that are rich, meaningful and full of joy! For all that I am thankful and I would like to share more about what more Humanly is developing into next, more people , more potential and more impact.
The Revival of Humaneness
Humaneness is about a connection to who we are at the most basic level and how we share that essence with every other human being. It is what makes us the same and not different. It asks us to realise that we are not just thinking beings that happen to feel- but rather we are feeling beings that happen to think.
Authenticity - Don’t fake it, Nurture it.
Leaders are being challenged to be more authentic. But what does authenticity mean and how can you find and nurture it?
Curiosity, Compassion and Courage for an Inclusive Culture
Human leadership creates the space for inclusive cultures. Inclusive cultures; require human leadership where we think with curiosity, feel with compassion and act with courage.
3 Steps that Help Human Leadership to Thrive not Drown
Innovation can only thrive when people thrive.
Somewhere in the depths of getting work done, hitting performance targets and stretch targets, becoming more efficient, working smarter… we find it difficult to really be a human leader. There is another way … A more human way to lead
Leadership lessons from the meaning of Namaste
Namaste as a greeting serves as a reminder that we are made of the same stuff.
Hindus often greet with the phrase- Namaste- it is a phrase that you certainly might have heard at the end of a yoga class, but I wanted to share the significance of that meaning for human leadership. (It is also Diwali today so I am feel especially spiritual)
Human UP
The session is the essence of some of the best work I have done with leaders and teams, it has helped them to pause and think about how they lead and communicate and I hope it helps you too. The session is designed for leaders, communication professionals and coaches who are all seeking the inner human.
Ubuntu - Interconnected Humaneness
Ubuntu means that, 'what I am is a result of who we are as humans - I am not much without others'. In other words, what I am and what I do impacts you and many others. In turn, what you do has implications for me and for others too. We must therefore care about what the other does. Learn more and join the workshop…
Hold up the mirror with a strong arm
I believe that the ability to hold up the mirror to those we support is essential but also one of those skills that requires you to have full confidence in the follow through. You need to hold up that mirror with full confidence and conviction.
Cultural Sensitivity and Emotional Intelligence for Organizational Inclusivity
Read an article I co-wrote with a fellow workshop host Kazuko Kotaki published July 13th 2021
Sustainability and Compassionate Human Leadership
If we wish for peace and prosperity, can we continue to seek profit at the expense of people and the planet? How can organisations bring these ambitions into reality? To tackle the sustainability goals, no individual or organisation can do it alone, we need partnership and mass behaviour change, that requires a certain type of leadership.
You don't have to do it alone
What if we could lead and communicate in a way that goes with human nature and not against it. I was realising the potential of this purpose, but at the same time, I realised that I couldn't nor would I want to be doing this alone. I know that we humans can do more when we work together, no leader, no organisation, no coach or consultant will crack this global human issue alone, but maybe a small collective of people who are like minded can make some steps towards learning together and sharing together…and that is why I built this collective.
Are you free to speak?
Do people feel free to speak up?
Here is a summary of what happened this week when Internal Communication professionals discussed how to tackle psychological safety to ensure that the employee voice is heard and valued.
And… my thoughts on how to support Human Leadership that nurtures a climate of psychological safety and freedom to speak.
A Collective for Human Leadership and Communication
If you can’t find it and you need it, they you better get on and build it! The Human Leadership Collective is a group that is just forming and growing, which aims to gather so that we can create more connections and progress towards more human leadership. Is this your challenge too? Are you working towards or in a way that contributes to this goal? If so, then I warmly invite you to come, share and learn together.
What does Human Leadership look a feel like to you?
Reflecting on this question and the exploration of what our own experiences are, helps up to be able to translate what kind of lead we want to be. Human connection not disconnection. Empathy and Compassion. It is not only what they show of themselves but also how they listen and support us to see ourselves better.